Here are ten key ways to receive intuitive information 
that most people don’t know about. 

 You might call them ten secrets to intuition. 
 Knowing about these characteristics 
may assist you in developing your ability
 to receive and understand the intuitive messages you get. 

Secrets to Intuition

To receive intuitive messages you must be relaxed, 
receptive, passive and open. 
Having the openness to receive messages is important; 
also being aware and relaxed 
allows you to notice subtle things that pop up. 
 This is because the messages are very subtle, 
and you need to be in this passive
 but receptive state to notice them.

 To use the intuitive part of your brain, 
don’t try to figure it out, or judge what you receive. 
 If you are judging and critical about what you are receiving, 
the message will be corrupted and 
you may miss important clues.

 Intuitive messages come in fragments, 
piecemeal and are sometimes symbolic. 
Just like Charades, your intuitive mind is giving 
you information in pantomimes and signs. 
So be aware that you will get pieces, 
particularly at first, and like a puzzle 
you will need to put the pieces together.

 Believing that you can receive intuitive messages
 boosts it’s power, and your ability to access 
and understand the messages.
 If you believe you can do this, 
even if just a little, makes a difference. 
 Having the openness and willingness to try is important. 
If you are overly doubtful, cynical and dismissive, 
then you will miss the messages and 
may actually block them.


Intuitive guidance can come from outside of you. 
Intuitive messages can be the words someone says to you, 
lyrics you hear in music, or a sign 
or license plate you see that you pass. 

Sometimes the intuitive answers don’t come from inside of you, 
but are energetically orchestrated by the Universe outside of you. 
You may see a sign, a poster, 
or a license plate that has just the right word or phrase 
you need to see that is your message.

You can trigger your intuition by asking questions. 
You can ask for anything. 
Our intuition is triggered by responding to some stimulus. 
That can be a question you ask or ponder, 
or be something in your environment, 
like a person walking by you. 

You can intentionally access your intuition 
by asking yourself questions in your mind.

You can ask for clarity if you don’t understand 
what the intuitive sign or message means. 

Often times, we begin to receive intuitive hints 
but they aren’t clear, you can always “go back”
and ask for more clarity or ask another question.

 It is important that you let go to receive. 
Again, forcing an answer 
can actually block receiving one. 
If you don’t get an answer right away, 
let it go. You will often get an intuitive hit later.

Outside tools can help you 
get out of your judgmental mind 
and into your more intuitive mind. 
Your Ego is 100% NON-psychic 
and completely not intuitive. 
So to get out of your Ego space.


"Where is the bathroom?”